Game Rules

  • §1 Password, Registration & ownership
    Each player may only own and play one account per server.
    • §1.1 Registration
      The e-mail address used for the registration of an account must be under the personal and exclusive control of the person who registered the account. The person owning the e-mail address used to register an account is considered the owner of the account, regardless of any other personal or alliance agreements. The owner of an account is fully responsible for all actions taken with the account.
    • §1.2 Password
      The owner of an account may not transfer the password of an account to any person playing on the same game world (server). Additionally, knowingly choosing the same password on the same game world as another person is illegal; any of these actions is considered multiaccounting, as defined in these rules.

      However, it is permissible to transfer the password of an account to a person or persons playing on different game world (or not playing at all) in order to play a single account together.

      There is no compensation for damages done by someone knowing the password for an account. The person receiving the password is subject to the rules of Travland as well as the General Terms and Conditions.
    • §1.3 Email changes / account transfers
      In order to change the email address of your account or to transfer your account to another player NOT playing on the same server, go into your account profile (/spieler.php?s=3) and fill out the new email information.
    • §1.4 Switching accounts
      In order to switch an account with a person on the same game world, both persons must send an e-mail message to from the e-mail address currently registered for the account. The e-mail must contain the following information:
      1. The game world on which the account resides
      2. The nickname of the account
      3. The e-mail address of the new owner.
      Afterwards both persons must request the password for their new account via the password retrieval function.
  • §2 Sitting & same pc usage
    • §2.1 Sitting
      Every player has the right to name two sitters who may play the account during an owner's absence. Sitters must play the account they are sitting to the account s full benefit. Abuse of this function is punishable.
      The sitter of an account must sit the account using the account sitting function in game. The sitter of an account may not tend to an account by logging on with the password of the account they are sitting (see §1.2).
      There is no compensation for damages done by a sitter. Owners of an account are fully responsible for the actions of any sitters for their account. In the event that sitters of an account do not follow these rules and the General Terms and Conditions of Travland, both the account owner and the sitter may be punished.
    • §2.2 Same pc usage
      Players using the same computer and wanting to access each other's account must use the sitter function.
  • §3 Use of externals
    The game must be played with an unmodified internet browser. The use of scripts or bots which automate is against the rules.
  • §4 Program errors
    Program errors (also called bugs) may not be used to one's benefit. Abuse can lead to a punishment of the account.
  • §5 Money transactions
    Any sales or purchases concerning real money regarding accounts, units, villages, resources, services or any other aspect of Travianold are impermissible. The sale of Travland accounts as well as any indirect transfer (even as gifts) in connection with auction sites or other money transactions is impermissible.
  • §6 Netiquette
    Everyone must communicate in a polite, conversational tone. Multihunters may change inappropriate profiles and village names without warning.
    1. Following behavior is punishable and applies to all descriptions, the account name, alliance names, village names and messages:
      English is the only official language tolerated.
      Participation in abusive, defamatory, sexist, racist or profane language; disparaging any religion, race, nation, gender, age group, or sexual orientation; threatening persons with actions in real life.
      Posting or transmission of any material not suitable for underage persons.
      Blackmailing players in a way that violates any of Travland's rules respective the general terms and conditions.
      Displaying battle reports or messages in public without consent of both concerned persons.
    2. No real world politics are allowed in names, messages and descriptions.
    3. Impersonation of officials or official positions is illegal in any way.
    4. Advertisement of any kind that has not been permitted by the Travianold Team is impermissible.
  • §7 Punishments
    If there is an offence against these game rules, the Multihunters and, if necessary, the Administrators will ban the account(s) in question and decide on a proper punishment. Punishments will always exceed the gain of the violation of the rules.
    Resources, buildings, villages or troops lost during the time of suspension do not count as punishment and will not be replaced by the Travland Team. No player has the right to claim payment or replacement for Plus/Gold time lost due to suspension.
    here is no special treatment for Travianold Plus/Gold users regarding the game rules neither in the time needed to deal with the case nor in the punishment.

    Players may talk to the Multihunter who banned them or an Administrator either via IGM (ingame message) or e-mail. Bans, punishments or deletions are not to be discussed in public (e.g. Chat or Forums). Appeals must be written in English.
    Additionally, the Travland Team will not provide information to persons other than the account owner.

    Multi accounts on the speed server and multi accounts with less than 100 population may be deleted on sight with no warning.
  • §8 Changing of rules
    The Travland Team reserves the right to change the rules at any time.
  • §9 Correction clause
    If individual regulations of this set of rules should be ineffective, it does not affect the validity of the remaining regulations of this set of rules. The Administrators commit themselves to replace ineffective regulations with new regulations which replace the ineffective regulations as fast as possible.
